HTML Easy! Pro Version 1.3 Copyright (C) 1995 By Joe Lin. All Rights Reserved *** Set Up *** Type SETUP in the floppy disk directory. If you meet any problem on Setup, please close all applications and re-run Setup again. *** What can it do? *** It's a HTML (Hypertext Makup Language) Editor. It can make a WWW (Wold Wide Web or W3) Page very easily. Also , you can use it as a text editor. Now, it supports full HTML 3.0 commands. *** For more Information about HTML Easy! Pro *** HTML Easy! Pro is a enhanced version of HTML Easy!. It supports Find and Replace functions, and more HTML commands, such like Font, Form, Input.... For upgrading your HTML Easy, please E-Mail to *** Registration *** For register information, please check register.frm or order.txt. *** Comment and Suggestion *** Basic Concept Studio, Taiwan. Joe Lin WWW Home page: Our WWW mirror site: E-Mail to: FAX: to (Joe Lin) +886-2-715-4211